True love is so rare and worth cherishing. It is no wonder you want to stay all your life with the person you love with all your heart. Today, trust in marriage is fast depleting because both parties are more interested in themselves than in pleasing each other. If you happen to be of a different mindset and would not mind going that extra step to ask your beloved to be with you, you should propose her//him immediately when you believe you are ready.
A marriage proposal can become the most memorable event in your and the other person’s life. It is necessary that you are absolutely sure that the person you are proposing to says ‘yes’ when you propose or else it will lead to disappointment. At the same time ensure that you are not late in proposing.
A memorable proposal will always be the one which is interesting, creative and innovative. You should ensure that the person you are proposing to enjoys this event thoroughly and that you are paying complete attention to this person. There are so many ways you can propose to a person, make him/her feel wanted and welcomed into your life forever. Check out some of these very interesting and innovative ways for proposing:propose
1) Book: This is one of the most complimentary methods of proposing to someone. If your sweetheart is an avid reader or literary genius, you can check out this unique option. This book is especially fruitful if your relationship has been a long one. You can bring up unique and happy memories of your relationship. You can write about this person in detail and reasons why you value him/her so much. Write the book yourself or get it written from a professional writer. Publish a single copy and present it to your beloved with the proposal on the last page.
2) Garden: If you love gardening and your beloved loves flowers, this is an ideal and a very touching way to propose. However, this method requires you to plan out your garden meticulously. Keep a separate patch for this purpose, plant and grow flowers in letters that will spell ‘Marry Me’ with the name, wait until the flowers grow full bloom and bring your beloved to this garden blindfolded and surprise him or her.
3) Boat Ride: Nothing can be more romantic as going out in the sea or a lake with nothing but the nature around you and your beloved. If you and your sweetheart are water lovers and related sports activities, this is a great way to propose. Take your sweetheart for a boat ride and propose.
4) Music: Are you a good crooner? You can sing love songs with most ease? Assemble one or two people to play music instruments for you and start recording love songs, and when you want to propose you should sing a love song with a proposal song for your beloved, a sure way to win his/her heart and a partner for a long time.
5) Adventure Outing: If both of you love adventure, you could go out on an adventure holiday and you could propose to your sweetheart at a time when you are at the most perfect point or place during the outing. It could be atop a hill you have just climbed or in the darkest of woods or on a starlit night in middle of nowhere. You could increase your happiness ten fold through the adventure outing.
6) Greeting Cards: This is another great way of proposing and surprising your partner at the same time. This is useful if you live in or occasionally do go to stay with each other. Greeting cards are a great way to express, therefore do not choose just a single card - instead, you could choose a series of cards showing your affection. Place each card in every room your partner is most likely to visit in the morning. Let the words ‘Marry Me’ card be in a place your partner is fond of. This method is inexpensive, making just the right choice or cards would make it worthwhile.
7) Emails: Add mystery and adventure to your proposal. Send emails anonymously; make emails - soft and comfortable that speaks only of your feelings and nothing else. Let your partner wait of another email each day, ensure you send your name with the propose email. This is the method so many people use for proposing the next person.
8) Create a Video: An artist or a good performer would love this surprise. Create a video of yourself painting or acting or dancing for a love song, towards the end you can propose to your beloved in the video. It is absolutely necessary to watch the video with your sweetheart if you want an instant answer.
9) Cook Up A Proposal: Learn a special dish your sweetheart loves, invite the person over for a romantic dinner, make sure everything is perfect. Create an unbeatable romantic mood, a perfect dinner date. And serve what your sweetheart loves, make sure that is perfect too and propose.
10) Agreement: Write promises that you will make at the time of marriage to your beloved, sign it yourself, and ask your beloved to sign the agreement if your sweetheart agrees to the proposal, a fun and surprising way for proposing.
So check and try the method you will use for proposing to your sweetheart. The above unique methods will surely win your beloved’s heart!
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